The Te Upoko O Te Ika branch of Te Whariki Tautoko is in a state of revitalisation. Following a time of the branch being in recess the roopu has re-emerged with established members and an influx of new members invigorated to move the kaupapa forward. There is an energy of commitment and enterprise among these members and those who intend to become members.
Whakapapa o te rohe
In 2002 our rohe was established as an answer to kaimahi Maori wanting relevant and formalised support. Previously where there had been frustration at the lack of support by Maori for Maori this rohe offered a place of tautoko, of whakaruruhau.
Rohe Taonga
Te Upoko o Te Ika have been blessed with the gifting of 3 precious Pākohe Greenstone from the whanau of Whakatū Marae.
In 2014 Matewawe Pouwhare and Pene Pokoati attended the Roopu Matua Hui hosted by Te Whāriki Tautoko ki te Tau Ihu o Te Waka a Maui at Whakatu Marae.
The Hau Kainga gifted us 3 Kohatu Pākohe Greenstone.
They are our Kaitiaki as Te Upoko o Te Ika come out of recess this year and continue the kaupapa of Te Whāriki Tautoko in the wider Wellington region.
Purutia Mai te Tauru o te rangi
Kia Tina Kia whena Kia toka te Manawa ora
Tina toka te Manawa ora
Ki Ranginui e tu nei
Ki Papatuanuku e takoto nei
Tuturu whakamaua Kia Tina,
Hui e
Taiki e!
Ngā whāinga
- Further development of Kaitiakitanga ( Aki Aki Te Tii ) practice amongst members and wider networks
- Build Strategic Relationships
- Grow Membership
- Establish and grow Professional Development
Ko wai mātou?
Putauaki te maunga, Rangitaiki te awa, Mataatua te Waka;
Ngāti Awa te iwi, NgaiTamawera te hapu, Uiraroa te marae.
Weretā Bruce Aranga tōku ingoa, Tena koutou katoa.
He kaiawhina kaitakawaenga ahau mo Te Whariki Tautoko ki te Upoko o te Ika.
Kei Heretaunga Upper Hutt tōku kainga noho.
Tētahi mea miharo, e ngākau nui ana ki a au, ko aku tamariki tokowha, me aku mokopuna tekau ma tahi, me aku mokopuna tuarua tokotoru; me kii, ka noho ahau hei koro hei papa rānei mo tōku whānau/paharakeke.
Kei ngā papa takaro ahau e awhi ana i a rātou hakinakina, kei ngā wharekai ahau e utu ana i a rātou kai, kei ngā whare kura whare wananga ahau e awhi ana a rātou whainga matauranga.
Ka moe taane waahine rānei aku tamariki mokopuna ka hono mai he Pakeha, he Ahiterairiana, he Hamoa, he Maori, he Iniana no te whenua o Inia. Ka kite koe he iwi maha he hononga whanui kei tōku whakapapa.
Mauri ora kia tātou katoa.
Weretā Bruce Aranga
Te Whariki Tautoko
Upoko o te Ika
Matewawe Pouwhare
Hokia koe ki to Maunga kia purea e koe i nga hau o Tawhirimatea
Return to your sacred mountains so that you may be cleansed by the winds of Tawhirimātea
TWT Roopu Matua Rep
Taiāwhio e rere ana te mihi matakoakoa, matakuikui hoki ki a koutou katoa.
He uri ahau o ngā Maunga tapu o Maungapōhatu rāua ko Pūtauaki.
I tipu ake ahau i raro i te maru o enei tūpuna.
Ko Ngai Tuhoe rāua ko Ngāti Awa ngā iwi
Ko Ngāti Haka-Patuheuheu rāua ko Te Pahipoto ngā hapū.
Ko Waiohau rāua ko Kokohinau ngā Marae.
Ko Matewawe Pouwhare tōku ingoa.
“Kia maumahara koe ki tou Mana Atua Ake”
“Remember your absolute divine uniqueness”
(Dr Rangimarie, Turuki, Rose Lambert- Pere)
Ko Ngati Kahungunu ki Wairoa
Ko Ngati Kōtimana me Ngati Ingarihi me Ngati Kuki Airani
E noho ana ki Titahi Bay i tāku whānau, he tokowhā tāku tamariki. He kaiako ahau.
Ko Penelope Pokoati tāku ingoa.
Tēnā koutou katoa
My name is Penelope, I am an early childhood teacher practicing locally at Brian Webb Kindergarten. I am passionate about education, collaborative partnerships with whānau and colleagues to work towards enjoyable education experiences for all.
My area of focus is early education for tangata whenua and how this may contribute to mauri ora o ngā whānau whanui.
I recently graduate from Te Wananga o Aotearoa in the Bicultural Supervision – Kaitiakitanga program. Involvement in this program has fundamentally enriched my personal and professional practice and relationships.
I am currently studying te reo Māori at Te Kura Matatini o Whitireia and post graduate certificate in education with Massey University. I am looking to engage in a masters of education next year.
The kaupapa of Te Whāriki Tautoko is relevant and necessary, I am grateful to be a part of this roopu and offer myself to move alongside ngā whānau o Te Upoko O Te Ika.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou katoa.
Ko Aotea te Waka
Ko Ruapehu te Maunga
Ko Whanganui te Awa
Ko Atihaunui a Paparangi te Iwi
Ko Ngati Tuera te Hapu
Ko Pungarehu te Marae
Tēnā tātou katoa,
I went to my first Te Whariki Tautoko Te Upoko o te Ika Rohe hui in 2012 and was very happy to have found a group that was so connected to the mahi that I was (and still am) doing and relevant to how I was feeling about it, offering clear and unique support and guidance.
It is a privilege to work alongside such an inspiration group of Māori kaimahi.
I am a Counsellor in Private Practice, in beautiful Petone.
Nga mihi,
Sonya McKirdy